Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Another goody from the Bixby family archives!

"Cheese Straws.
1 cupful of dry, highly flavored grated cheese, cayenne pepper to taste and a scant half teaspoon of half butter and lard. rubbed into cup of flour.  Now, have ready a quarter of a cup of ice water - pour half of this into center of flour and begin to stir with a fork - use more water if necessary but use as little as possible.  Flour board a bit.  put mound of paste in centre, roll lightly  from you* quite thin. - bring four corners together and roll to wafer thinness. If to be baked at once a small teaspoon baking powder should be added. but if to be put on ice and baked just before serving, omit powder."

*We think this means "roll away from you" as opposed to the back and forth rolling that may cause the dough to stick to the pin.

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